About me

My name is Milan and I am a follower of Christ saved by His grace. I have been blessed with 3 wonderful kids who are the reason I stay motivated and driven. However, they are also the reason why my patience and sanity gets tested often 🙂 !. I am an optimistic person and often times I feel like I can conquer anything that my heart is set on but I have been humbled and brought to my knees a number of times and come to the conclusion that on my own strength I can do nothing and rarely things go according to my plans. I need constant guidance from the Lord in my life and it is only through his grace that even on days I can barely manage to keep my cool, I feel compelled to carry on.

As a homeschooling mother I experience my fair share of highs and lows on a daily basis but both in the valleys and peaks I give all glory to God for His calling. Despite the challenges, homeschooling has been an amazing journey for our family and often times I feel the Lord is teaching me as I teach my kids. And one of the lessons He is constantly teaching me is to be less focussed on what I want and to obediently submit to His will. It is my joy and privilege to watch my kids learn, grow and mature in their walk of faith.

I hope you would like to stick around as I share my experiences as a disciple of Christ and a homeschooling mother – navigating through life struggling and experiencing moments of laurels all thanks to my saviour.

Thank You 🙂